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Date : 2003-08-01
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How to Care for Domestic Rabbits Petfinder ~ In addition to hay the basic diet of an adult rabbit should consist of leafy dark green vegetables such as romaine and leaf lettuces parsley cilantro collard greens arugula escarole endive dandelion greens and others Variety is important so feed your rabbit three different vegetables at a time
How to Care for Your Rabbit PetMD ~ Domestic rabbits are indoor pets that require as much attention as any other pet including a specific diet and daily meals regular cleaning of their quarters daily monitoring and time out of their cage and medical care from a veterinarian with knowledge of and experience working with rabbits
How to Care for a Pet Rabbit My House Rabbit ~ A rabbit’s diet should mainly consist of hay Fresh hay should be provided to rabbits at all times Baby rabbits should be given alfalfa and adult rabbits should be fed timothy hay grass hay or oat hay Using a large hay feeder is helpful because it keeps large amounts of hay dry clean and accessible
How to Care for a Rabbit with Pictures wikiHow ~ To stay healthy and happy rabbits do need some special care beginning with plenty of hay and veggies a warm cozy nest and time to run and hop to their hearts content Its sometimes great to keep a rabbit inside at night to protect it from predators like coyotes skunks foxes wolves dogs and cats
General Pet Care Tips Rabbit Care 101 SPCA of Texas ~ The 3 most important foods for a rabbit are hay hay and HAY Contrary to popular belief rabbits do not need salt licks vitamins or hard wooden objects to wear their teeth down Teeth are kept worn to a proper length by the silicate and lignin content of grass and grass hays
Rabbit Care House Rabbit Society ~ Multiple Rabbits Care Care Spaying and Neutering House Rabbits 101 Grooming Housing Chewing Life with a House Rabbit Rabbit Behavior Rabbit Care Rabbit Health Disaster Preparedness Vets Vet List Working with Vets Where to Find Medical Information Journal Activism Activist Corner Easter NY – Pet Store Ban of Rabbit Sales
5 Ways to Care for a New Pet Rabbit wikiHow ~ An outdoor hutch will need to have a run attached to it so that your rabbit can exercise The run should be a minimum of 4 feet 12 m by 8 ft by 2ft tall for a rabbit under 2kg Many indoor hutches are made of plastic with a wire roof This has the advantage of being lightweight so you can move it around the house easily
Rabbit Care Rabbit Diet Indoor Housing Bunny Proofing ~ Rabbit Care As a rabbit owner it is important to know some rabbit care basics in order to create a safe loving environment for the furriest member of your family From diet to housing to bunny proofing the articles below will help you provide the best possible care for your rabbit How to Care for a Pet Rabbit Rabbits are unique pets
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