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Date : 2011-07-07
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10 Essential Facts About Fish ~ Fish are broadly divided into three classes The Osteichthyes or bony fish include both rayfinned and lobefinned fish accounting for over 30000 species in all ranging from familiar food fish like salmon and tuna to more exotic lungfish and electric eels
63 Fish Facts You Probably Dont Know FactRetriever ~ Most fish reproduce by laying eggs though some fish such as great white sharks give birth to live babies called pups Lungfish can live out of water for several years It secretes a mucus cocoon and burrows itself under the unbaked earth
Fish Pictures Facts Animals ~ Your destination for news pictures facts and videos about fish
Fun Fish Facts for Kids Interesting Information about Fish ~ Fish are vertebrate animals that live in the water Vertebrate means they have a spinal cord surrounded by bone or cartilage Fish have gills that extract oxygen from the water around them There are over 30000 known species of fish
Fish Facts Information Pictures and Facts About Fish ~ Fish Facts A fish is a waterdwelling vertebrate with gills Most are coldblooded though some such as some species of tuna and shark are warmblooded There are over 29000 species of fish making them the most diverse group of vertebrates
Fish Facts for Kids ~ Interesting facts about fish Fish have spines that are surrounded by cartilage and bone and are ‘vertebrate’ animals Fish breathe through their gills that take in water where they extract oxygen There are many species of fish
Fun Fish Facts for Kids ~ Fish are coldblooded like reptiles and amphibians They can’t control their body temperature Some fish live in salt water such as halibut and cod They live in oceans and seas
Fish Facts for Kids ~ There are more fish than tetrapods land vertebrates there are over 33000 described species of fish Fish are usually covered with scales They have two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins Most fish are coldblooded poikilotherm
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